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Makoke? Cupcakes

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SMU Persadamu mempersembahkan ‘Makoke? Cupcakes’ arahan Saiful Amri. Beupayakah tradisi Melayu bertahan dipukul gelombang budaya Barat atau akan terhakis dan lenyap ditelan pengaruh tersebut? Bolehkah generasi terkini melestarikan tradisi Melayu dalam menghadapi cabaran abad ke-21 ini? Mampukah generasi muda kita menjunjung tradisi Melayu sambil mendukung budaya Barat atau hanya satu budaya dominan akan kekal! ‘Makoke? Cupcakes.’ akan dipentaskan di Singapore Airlines Theatre, La Salle College of the Arts pada 21hb Jun 2014. Jumpa anda di sana!



SMU MLCC (Persadamu) brings to you ‘Makoke? Cupcakes’, a theatre production directed by Saiful Amri.

Today, the rise of the Western culture has resulted in the dilution of the Malay culture and its traditions. Today - can the younger generation continue to preserve and uphold the Malay culture in the times of modernization? Is it possible for two distinct cultures which are poles apart to co-exist peacefully? Or will it result in the victory of a dominion culture and the extinction of a weakening culture?

Come and join us in the epic showdown between Makoke and Cupcakes, between tradition and modernity! A theatre production filled with laughter, madness and music, happening at the Singapore Airlines Theatre, La Salle College of the Arts on 21st June 2014. See you there!


Saiful Amri​


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